Wednesday, August 03, 2005

random thoughts and coughing

Someday soon, I want to redesign the layout of my blog. I have a newfound interest in updating it regularly and I want to change the look of it and maybe the theme of it before I go to college next month. Maybe I'll start a college-themed blog. Nah, I'll just stick to posting random things about my life. Why not. They've been successful in the past (hey, you're reading this now, aren't you?). Well, I planned on blogging tonight about random things but that's all I can think of. I have a feeling this cold medicine isn't going to kick in until I go to sleep. I don't think I'll remember writing this when I wake up early to go to work tomorrow. Bottom line: as soon as I take the time to figure out how, I'm going to transform my blog into something pleasing to the eye, with semi-regular posts that are posted in the interest of humor to reward readers for stopping by. Or maybe not. Ah heck... rule #1: when you're hungry, don't go shopping or you will buy way too much. Rule #2: when you're sick and dead tired, don't go blogging or you will type way too much until it sounds right, but it never will, so don't even start. Good night.


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